Emergent Mind


Recent advancements in AI and ML algorithms, coupled with the availability of faster computing infrastructure, have enhanced the security posture of cybersecurity operations centers (defenders) through the development of ML-aided network intrusion detection systems (NIDS). Concurrently, the abilities of adversaries to evade security have also increased with the support of AI/ML models. Therefore, defenders need to proactively prepare for evasion attacks that exploit the detection mechanisms of NIDS. Recent studies have found that the perturbation of flow-based and packet-based features can deceive ML models, but these approaches have limitations. Perturbations made to the flow-based features are difficult to reverse-engineer, while samples generated with perturbations to the packet-based features are not playable. Our methodological framework, Deep PackGen, employs deep reinforcement learning to generate adversarial packets and aims to overcome the limitations of approaches in the literature. By taking raw malicious network packets as inputs and systematically making perturbations on them, Deep PackGen camouflages them as benign packets while still maintaining their functionality. In our experiments, using publicly available data, Deep PackGen achieved an average adversarial success rate of 66.4\% against various ML models and across different attack types. Our investigation also revealed that more than 45\% of the successful adversarial samples were out-of-distribution packets that evaded the decision boundaries of the classifiers. The knowledge gained from our study on the adversary's ability to make specific evasive perturbations to different types of malicious packets can help defenders enhance the robustness of their NIDS against evolving adversarial attacks.

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