Emergent Mind

Reward Learning with Intractable Normalizing Functions

Published May 16, 2023 in cs.RO


Robots can learn to imitate humans by inferring what the human is optimizing for. One common framework for this is Bayesian reward learning, where the robot treats the human's demonstrations and corrections as observations of their underlying reward function. Unfortunately, this inference is doubly-intractable: the robot must reason over all the trajectories the person could have provided and all the rewards the person could have in mind. Prior work uses existing robotic tools to approximate this normalizer. In this paper, we group previous approaches into three fundamental classes and analyze the theoretical pros and cons of their approach. We then leverage recent research from the statistics community to introduce Double MH reward learning, a Monte Carlo method for asymptotically learning the human's reward in continuous spaces. We extend Double MH to conditionally independent settings (where each human correction is viewed as completely separate) and conditionally dependent environments (where the human's current correction may build on previous inputs). Across simulations and user studies, our proposed approach infers the human's reward parameters more accurately than the alternate approximations when learning from either demonstrations or corrections. See videos here: https://youtu.be/EkmT3o5K5ko

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