Emergent Mind

DRew: Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay

Published May 13, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ML


Message passing neural networks (MPNNs) have been shown to suffer from the phenomenon of over-squashing that causes poor performance for tasks relying on long-range interactions. This can be largely attributed to message passing only occurring locally, over a node's immediate neighbours. Rewiring approaches attempting to make graphs 'more connected', and supposedly better suited to long-range tasks, often lose the inductive bias provided by distance on the graph since they make distant nodes communicate instantly at every layer. In this paper we propose a framework, applicable to any MPNN architecture, that performs a layer-dependent rewiring to ensure gradual densification of the graph. We also propose a delay mechanism that permits skip connections between nodes depending on the layer and their mutual distance. We validate our approach on several long-range tasks and show that it outperforms graph Transformers and multi-hop MPNNs.


  • Introduces the DRew framework to improve MPNNs by dynamically rewiring aggregation paths and incorporating a delay in message propagation.

  • DRew aims to address over-squashing and over-smoothing in deep MPNN architectures, enhancing long-range interaction modeling.

  • Empirical evaluations show that DRew and ▯DRew outperform standard baselines, including graph Transformers and classical multi-hop MPNNs.

  • The framework opens new avenues for creating efficient and effective MPNNs for a wider array of graph-related tasks.

Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay Enhances Message Passing Neural Networks

Introduction to DRew Framework

Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs) play a seminal role in harnessing the intricate structure of graph data, extending the capability of deep learning to a wider array of applications, including molecular chemistry, social network analysis, and recommendation systems. At their core, MPNNs facilitate the aggregation of information across a graph's nodes, capturing the dependencies between connected entities. However, as the demand for capturing more complex, long-range interactions grows, traditional MPNNs face significant challenges, notably over-squashing, where the accumulation of information over extensive graph paths compromises the model's performance due to information loss.

Proposed by Benjamin Gutteridge et al., the Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay (DRew) framework introduces a novel paradigm designed to mitigate the limitations of conventional MPNNs, particularly in tasks requiring long-range interaction modeling. The DRew framework extends the boundaries of message aggregation by enabling dynamically rewired aggregation paths and incorporating a delay mechanism in message propagation, thus offering a structured solution to the prevailing issues of over-squashing and over-smoothing in deep MPNN architectures.

The DRew and ▯DRew Frameworks

The DRew proposes a layer-dependent, multi-hop message passing approach, allowing messages to be aggregated not only from a node's immediate neighbors but also from nodes within a dynamically determined hop distance. The framework ensures that nodes progressively interact with more distant nodes as the network depth increases, thus respecting the graph's natural inductive bias while enabling efficient long-range communication.

Furthermore, the paper introduces the concept of message passing delay, governed by a parameter ▯, extending the DRew framework to ▯DRew. This mechanism controls the interaction latency between nodes based on their graph distance, providing a flexible approach to manage the flow of information across the network and alleviate over-smoothing issues that typically arise with deep architectures.

Theoretical Insights and Empirical Validation

Gutteridge et al. substantiate their proposed frameworks with both theoretical insights and empirical validation. They present a rigorous analysis demonstrating how DRew and ▯DRew can effectively mitigate the over-squashing phenomenon, suggesting a promising direction for improving long-range interaction modeling in MPNNs. The empirical evaluation spans several benchmarks involving tasks with inherent long-range dependencies. Here, DRew and ▯DRew models exhibit superior performance compared to a variety of baselines, including graph Transformers and classical multi-hop MPNNs, highlighting their robustness and versatility.

Implications and Future Directions

The introduction of dynamically rewired message passing coupled with a delay mechanism represents a significant step forward in the development of graph neural networks. By directly addressing the constraints imposed by graph topology and the depth of the network, DRew opens up new avenues for designing more efficient and powerful MPNNs capable of tackling a broader range of graph-related tasks. Looking ahead, there is considerable potential for further exploration into optimizing the framework's parameters, investigating the effects of different types of delay, and extending the approach to other graph neural network architectures.


In conclusion, the Dynamically Rewired Message Passing with Delay framework put forth by Gutteridge et al. marks a pivotal advancement in the realm of MPNNs. By elegantly circumventing the pitfalls of over-squashing and enhancing the model's capacity for long-range interaction, DRew and ▯DRew set a new benchmark for future research in graph neural networks. As the demand for sophisticated graph analysis tools continues to surge, such innovations will undoubtedly play a crucial role in harnessing the full potential of graph-structured data.

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