Emergent Mind


Recently, masked video modeling has been widely explored and significantly improved the model's understanding ability of visual regions at a local level. However, existing methods usually adopt random masking and follow the same reconstruction paradigm to complete the masked regions, which do not leverage the correlations between cross-modal content. In this paper, we present Mask for Semantics Completion (MASCOT) based on semantic-based masked modeling. Specifically, after applying attention-based video masking to generate high-informed and low-informed masks, we propose Informed Semantics Completion to recover masked semantics information. The recovery mechanism is achieved by aligning the masked content with the unmasked visual regions and corresponding textual context, which makes the model capture more text-related details at a patch level. Additionally, we shift the emphasis of reconstruction from irrelevant backgrounds to discriminative parts to ignore regions with low-informed masks. Furthermore, we design dual-mask co-learning to incorporate video cues under different masks and learn more aligned video representation. Our MASCOT performs state-of-the-art performance on four major text-video retrieval benchmarks, including MSR-VTT, LSMDC, ActivityNet, and DiDeMo. Extensive ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.

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