Emergent Mind


To alleviate the local receptive issue of GCN, Transformers have been exploited to capture the long range dependences of nodes for graph data representation and learning. However, existing graph Transformers generally employ regular self-attention module for all node-to-node message passing which needs to learn the affinities/relationships between all node's pairs, leading to high computational cost issue. Also, they are usually sensitive to graph noises. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel graph Transformer architecture, termed Anchor Graph Transformer (AGFormer), by leveraging an anchor graph model. To be specific, AGFormer first obtains some representative anchors and then converts node-to-node message passing into anchor-to-anchor and anchor-to-node message passing process. Thus, AGFormer performs much more efficiently and also robustly than regular node-to-node Transformers. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of proposed AGFormer.

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