Emergent Mind

Complexity of conjunctive regular path query homomorphisms

Published May 12, 2023 in cs.DB , cs.DM , cs.FL , and cs.LO


A graph database is a digraph whose arcs are labeled with symbols from a fixed alphabet. A regular graph pattern (RGP) is a digraph whose edges are labeled with regular expressions over the alphabet. RGPs model navigational queries for graph databases called conjunctive regular path queries (CRPQs). A match of a CRPQ in the database is witnessed by a special navigational homomorphism of the corresponding RGP to the database. We study the complexity of deciding the existence of a homomorphism between two RGPs. Such homomorphisms model a strong type of containment between the two corresponding CRPQs. We show that this problem can be solved by an EXPTIME algorithm (while general query containmement in this context is EXPSPACE-complete). We also study the problem for restricted RGPs over a unary alphabet, that arise from some applications like XPath or SPARQL. For this case, homomorphism-based CRPQ containment is in NP. We prove that certain interesting cases are in fact polynomial-time solvable.

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