Emergent Mind


This article presents a novel approach to identifying and classifying intersections for semantic and topological mapping. More specifically, the proposed novel approach has the merit of generating a semantically meaningful map containing intersections, pathways, dead ends, and pathways leading to unexplored frontiers. Furthermore, the resulting semantic map can be used to generate a sparse topological map representation, that can be utilized by robots for global navigation. The proposed solution also introduces a built-in filtering to handle noises in the environment, to remove openings in the map that the robot cannot pass, and to remove small objects to optimize and simplify the overall mapping results. The efficacy of the proposed semantic and topological mapping method is demonstrated over a map of an indoor structured environment that is built from experimental data. The proposed framework, when compared with similar state-of-the-art topological mapping solutions, is able to produce a map with up to 89% fewer nodes than the next best solution.

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