Emergent Mind

VideoChat: Chat-Centric Video Understanding

Published May 10, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.CL


In this paper, we initiate an attempt of developing an end-to-end chat-centric video understanding system, coined as VideoChat. It integrates video foundation models and LLMs via a learnable neural interface, excelling in spatiotemporal reasoning, event localization, and causal relationship inference. To instructively tune this system, we build a video-centric instruction dataset, composed of thousands of videos associated with detailed descriptions and conversations. This dataset emphasizes spatiotemporal reasoning and captures causal relationships, providing a valuable asset for training our chat-centric video understanding system. Preliminary qualitative experiments demonstrate the potential of our system across a broad spectrum of video applications, which could serve as a simple prototype system for future research on chat-centric video understanding. Access our code and data at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/Ask-Anything

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