Emergent Mind


Several task and motion planning algorithms have been proposed recently to design paths for mobile robot teams with collaborative high-level missions specified using formal languages, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). However, the designed paths often lack reactivity to failures of robot capabilities (e.g., sensing, mobility, or manipulation) that can occur due to unanticipated events (e.g., human intervention or system malfunctioning) which in turn may compromise mission performance. To address this novel challenge, in this paper, we propose a new resilient mission planning algorithm for teams of heterogeneous robots with collaborative LTL missions. The robots are heterogeneous with respect to their capabilities while the mission requires applications of these skills at certain areas in the environment in a temporal/logical order. The proposed method designs paths that can adapt to unexpected failures of robot capabilities. This is accomplished by re-allocating sub-tasks to the robots based on their currently functioning skills while minimally disrupting the existing team motion plans. We provide experiments and theoretical guarantees demonstrating the efficiency and resiliency of the proposed algorithm.

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