Emergent Mind

Low-Degree Testing Over Grids

Published May 8, 2023 in cs.CC


We study the question of local testability of low (constant) degree functions from a product domain $S1 \times \dots \times {S}n$ to a field $\mathbb{F}$, where ${Si} \subseteq \mathbb{F}$ can be arbitrary constant sized sets. We show that this family is locally testable when the grid is "symmetric". That is, if ${Si} = {S}$ for all i, there is a probabilistic algorithm using constantly many queries that distinguishes whether $f$ has a polynomial representation of degree at most $d$ or is $\Omega(1)$-far from having this property. In contrast, we show that there exist asymmetric grids with $|{S}1| =\dots= |{S}n| = 3$ for which testing requires $\omegan(1)$ queries, thereby establishing that even in the context of polynomials, local testing depends on the structure of the domain and not just the distance of the underlying code. The low-degree testing problem has been studied extensively over the years and a wide variety of tools have been applied to propose and analyze tests. Our work introduces yet another new connection in this rich field, by building low-degree tests out of tests for "junta-degrees". A function $f : {S}1 \times \dots \times {S}_n \to {G}$, for an abelian group ${G}$ is said to be a junta-degree-$d$ function if it is a sum of $d$-juntas. We derive our low-degree test by giving a new local test for junta-degree-$d$ functions. For the analysis of our tests, we deduce a small-set expansion theorem for spherical noise over large grids, which may be of independent interest.

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