Emergent Mind

Learning Mixtures of Gaussians with Censored Data

Published May 6, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We study the problem of learning mixtures of Gaussians with censored data. Statistical learning with censored data is a classical problem, with numerous practical applications, however, finite-sample guarantees for even simple latent variable models such as Gaussian mixtures are missing. Formally, we are given censored data from a mixture of univariate Gaussians $$ \sum{i=1}k wi \mathcal{N}(\mui,\sigma2), $$ i.e. the sample is observed only if it lies inside a set $S$. The goal is to learn the weights $wi$ and the means $\mui$. We propose an algorithm that takes only $\frac{1}{\varepsilon{O(k)}}$ samples to estimate the weights $wi$ and the means $\mu_i$ within $\varepsilon$ error.

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