Emergent Mind

Dual-Quaternion Fourier Transform

Published Apr 4, 2023 in math.NA and cs.NA


Fourier transform (FT) plays a crucial role in a broad range of applications, from enhancement, restoration and analysis through to security, compression and manipulation. The Fourier transform (FT) is a process that converts a function into a form that describes the frequencies. This process has been extended to many domains and numerical representations (including quaternions). However, in this article, we present a new approach using dual-quaternions. As dual-quaternions offer an efficient and compact symbolic form with unique mathematical properties. While dual-quaternions have established themselves in many fields of science and computing as an efficient mathematical model for providing an unambiguous, un-cumbersome, computationally effective means of representing multi-component data, not much research has been done to combine them with Fourier processes. Dual-quaternions are simply the unification of dual-number theory with hypercomplex numbers; a mathematical concept that allows multi-variable data sets to be transformed, combined, manipulated and interpolated in a unified non-linear manner. We define a Dual-Quaternion Fourier transform (DQFT) for dual-quaternion valued data over dual-quaternion domains. This opens the door to new types of analysis, manipulation and filtering techniques. We also present the Inverse Dual-Quaternion Fourier Transform (IDQFT). The DQFT unlocks the potential provided by hypercomplex algebra in higher dimensions useful for solving dual-quaternion partial differential equations or functional equations (e.g., for multicomponent data analysis)

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