Emergent Mind

Prefix Sorting DFAs: a Recursive Algorithm

Published May 4, 2023 in cs.DS


In the past thirty years, numerous algorithms for building the suffix array of a string have been proposed. In 2021, the notion of suffix array was extended from strings to DFAs, and it was shown that the resulting data structure can be built in $ O(m2 + n{5/2}) $ time, where $ n $ is the number of states and $ m $ is the number of edges [SODA 2021]. Recently, algorithms running in $ O(mn) $ and $ O(n2\log n) $ time have been described [CPM 2023]. In this paper, we improve the previous bounds by proposing an $ O(n2) $ recursive algorithm inspired by Farach's algorithm for building a suffix tree [FOCS 1997]. To this end, we provide insight into the rich lexicographic and combinatorial structure of a graph, so contributing to the fascinating journey which might lead to solve the long-standing open problem of building the suffix tree of a graph.

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