Emergent Mind


We propose $\omega$MSO$\Join$BAPA, an expressive logic for describing countable structures, which subsumes and transcends both Counting Monadic Second-Order Logic (CMSO) and Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA). We show that satisfiability of $\omega$MSO$\Join$BAPA is decidable over the class of labeled infinite binary trees, whereas it becomes undecidable even for a rather mild relaxations. The decidability result is established by an elaborate multi-step transformation into a particular normal form, followed by the deployment of Parikh-Muller Tree Automata, a novel kind of automaton for infinite labeled binary trees, integrating and generalizing both Muller and Parikh automata while still exhibiting a decidable (in fact PSpace-complete) emptiness problem. By means of MSO-interpretations, we lift the decidability result to all tree-interpretable classes of structures, including the classes of finite/countable structures of bounded treewidth/cliquewidth/partitionwidth. We generalize the result further by showing that decidability is even preserved when coupling width-restricted $\omega$MSO$\Join$BAPA with width-unrestricted two-variable logic with advanced counting. A final showcase demonstrates how our results can be leveraged to harvest decidability results for expressive $\mu$-calculi extended by global Presburger constraints.

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