Emergent Mind

Cortical analysis of heterogeneous clinical brain MRI scans for large-scale neuroimaging studies

Published May 2, 2023 in eess.IV , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Surface analysis of the cortex is ubiquitous in human neuroimaging with MRI, e.g., for cortical registration, parcellation, or thickness estimation. The convoluted cortical geometry requires isotropic scans (e.g., 1mm MPRAGEs) and good gray-white matter contrast for 3D reconstruction. This precludes the analysis of most brain MRI scans acquired for clinical purposes. Analyzing such scans would enable neuroimaging studies with sample sizes that cannot be achieved with current research datasets, particularly for underrepresented populations and rare diseases. Here we present the first method for cortical reconstruction, registration, parcellation, and thickness estimation for clinical brain MRI scans of any resolution and pulse sequence. The methods has a learning component and a classical optimization module. The former uses domain randomization to train a CNN that predicts an implicit representation of the white matter and pial surfaces (a signed distance function) at 1mm isotropic resolution, independently of the pulse sequence and resolution of the input. The latter uses geometry processing to place the surfaces while accurately satisfying topological and geometric constraints, thus enabling subsequent parcellation and thickness estimation with existing methods. We present results on 5mm axial FLAIR scans from ADNI and on a highly heterogeneous clinical dataset with 5,000 scans. Code and data are publicly available at https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/recon-all-clinical

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