Emergent Mind

Performative Prediction with Bandit Feedback: Learning through Reparameterization

Published May 1, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Performative prediction, as introduced by \citeauthor{perdomo2020performative}, is a framework for studying social prediction in which the data distribution itself changes in response to the deployment of a model. Existing work in this field usually hinges on three assumptions that are easily violated in practice: that the performative risk is convex over the deployed model, that the mapping from the model to the data distribution is known to the model designer in advance, and the first-order information of the performative risk is available. In this paper, we initiate the study of performative prediction problems that do not require these assumptions. Specifically, we develop a {\em reparameterization} framework that reparametrizes the performative prediction objective as a function of the induced data distribution. We also develop a two-level zeroth-order optimization procedure, where the first level performs iterative optimization on the distribution parameter space, and the second level learns the model that induced a particular target distribution parameter at each iteration. Under mild conditions, this reparameterization allows us to transform the non-convex objective into a convex one and achieve provable regret guarantees. In particular, we provide a regret bound that is sublinear in the total number of performative samples taken and is only polynomial in the dimension of the model parameter. On the application side, we believe our method is useful for large online recommendation systems like YouTube or TikTok, where the recommendation update frequency is high and might potentially reshape future preferences.

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