Emergent Mind


Online games with modifiable virtual environments (MVEs) have become highly popular over the past decade. Among them, Minecraft -- supporting hundreds of millions of users -- is the best-selling game of all time, and is increasingly offered as a service. Although Minecraft is architected as a distributed system, in production it achieves this scale by partitioning small groups of players over isolated game instances. From the approaches that can help other kinds of virtual worlds scale, none is designed to scale MVEs, which pose a unique challenge -- a mix between the count and complexity of active in-game constructs, player-created in-game programs, and strict quality of service. Serverless computing emerged recently and focuses, among others, on service scalability. Thus, addressing this challenge, in this work we explore using serverless computing to improve MVE scalability. To this end, we design, prototype, and evaluate experimentally Servo, a serverless backend architecture for MVEs. We implement Servo as a prototype and evaluate it using real-world experiments on two commercial serverless platforms, of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Results offer strong support that our serverless MVE can significantly increase the number of supported players per instance without performance degradation, in our key experiment by 40 to 140 players per instance, which is a significant improvement over state-of-the-art commercial and open-source alternatives. We release Servo as open-source, on Github: https://github.com/atlarge-research/opencraft

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