Emergent Mind


Big data has become the norm in astronomy, making it an ideal domain for computer science research. Astronomers typically classify galaxies based on their morphologies, a practice that dates back to Hubble (1936). With small datasets, classification could be performed by individuals or small teams, but the exponential growth of data from modern telescopes necessitates automated classification methods. In December 2013, Winton Capital, Galaxy Zoo, and the Kaggle team created the Galaxy Challenge, which tasked participants with developing models to classify galaxies. The Kaggle Galaxy Zoo dataset has since been widely used by researchers. This study investigates the impact of colour space transformation on classification accuracy and explores the effect of CNN architecture on this relationship. Multiple colour spaces (RGB, XYZ, LAB, etc.) and CNN architectures (VGG, ResNet, DenseNet, Xception, etc.) are considered, utilizing pre-trained models and weights. However, as most pre-trained models are designed for natural RGB images, we examine their performance with transformed, non-natural astronomical images. We test our hypothesis by evaluating individual networks with RGB and transformed colour spaces and examining various ensemble configurations. A minimal hyperparameter search ensures optimal results. Our findings indicate that using transformed colour spaces in individual networks yields higher validation accuracy, and ensembles of networks and colour spaces further improve accuracy. This research aims to validate the utility of colour space transformation for astronomical image classification and serve as a benchmark for future studies.

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