Emergent Mind


Inaccurate optical flow estimates in and near occluded regions, and out-of-boundary regions are two of the current significant limitations of optical flow estimation algorithms. Recent state-of-the-art optical flow estimation algorithms are two-frame based methods where optical flow is estimated sequentially for each consecutive image pair in a sequence. While this approach gives good flow estimates, it fails to generalize optical flows in occluded regions mainly due to limited local evidence regarding moving elements in a scene. In this work, we propose a learning-based multi-frame optical flow estimation method that estimates two or more consecutive optical flows in parallel from multi-frame image sequences. Our underlying hypothesis is that by understanding temporal scene dynamics from longer sequences with more than two frames, we can characterize pixel-wise dependencies in a larger spatiotemporal domain, generalize complex motion patterns and thereby improve the accuracy of optical flow estimates in occluded regions. We present learning-based spatiotemporal recurrent transformers for multi-frame based optical flow estimation (SSTMs). Our method utilizes 3D Convolutional Gated Recurrent Units (3D-ConvGRUs) and spatiotemporal transformers to learn recurrent space-time motion dynamics and global dependencies in the scene and provide a generalized optical flow estimation. When compared with recent state-of-the-art two-frame and multi-frame methods on real world and synthetic datasets, performance of the SSTMs were significantly higher in occluded and out-of-boundary regions. Among all published state-of-the-art multi-frame methods, SSTM achieved state-of the-art results on the Sintel Final and KITTI2015 benchmark datasets.

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