Emergent Mind

LDPC Decoders Prefer More Reliable Parity Bits: Unequal Data Protection Over BSC

Published Apr 27, 2023 in cs.IT and math.IT


Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are specified by graphs, and are the error correction technique of choice in many communications and data storage contexts. Message passing decoders diffuse information carried by parity bits into the payload, and this paper measures the value of engineering parity bits to be more reliable than message bits. We consider the binary symmetric channel (BSC) and measure the impact of unequal data protection on the threshold of a regular LDPC code. Our analysis also includes doping where the parity bits are known to the decoder. We investigate BSC with Gallager-A decoder, with a $3$-level-alphabet decoder, and with a full belief propagation decoder. We demonstrate through theoretical analysis and simulation that non-equiprobable inputs lead to significant improvements both in the threshold and in the speed with which the decoder converges. We also show that all these improvements are possible even with a simple $3$-level-alphabet decoder.

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