Emergent Mind

D-STACK: High Throughput DNN Inference by Effective Multiplexing and Spatio-Temporal Scheduling of GPUs

Published Mar 31, 2023 in cs.DC , cs.PF , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Hardware accelerators such as GPUs are required for real-time, low-latency inference with Deep Neural Networks (DNN). However, due to the inherent limits to the parallelism they can exploit, DNNs often under-utilize the capacity of today's high-end accelerators. Although spatial multiplexing of the GPU, leads to higher GPU utilization and higher inference throughput, there remain a number of challenges. Finding the GPU percentage for right-sizing the GPU for each DNN through profiling, determining an optimal batching of requests to balance throughput improvement while meeting application-specific deadlines and service level objectives (SLOs), and maximizing throughput by appropriately scheduling DNNs are still significant challenges. This paper introduces a dynamic and fair spatio-temporal scheduler (D-STACK) that enables multiple DNNs to run in the GPU concurrently. To help allocate the appropriate GPU percentage (we call it the "Knee"), we develop and validate a model that estimates the parallelism each DNN can utilize. We also develop a lightweight optimization formulation to find an efficient batch size for each DNN operating with D-STACK. We bring together our optimizations and our spatio-temporal scheduler to provide a holistic inference framework. We demonstrate its ability to provide high throughput while meeting application SLOs. We compare D-STACK with an ideal scheduler that can allocate the right GPU percentage for every DNN kernel. D-STACK gets higher than 90 percent throughput and GPU utilization compared to the ideal scheduler. We also compare D-STACK with other GPU multiplexing and scheduling methods (e.g., NVIDIA Triton, Clipper, Nexus), using popular DNN models. Our controlled experiments with multiplexing several popular DNN models achieve up to 1.6X improvement in GPU utilization and up to 4X improvement in inference throughput.

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