Emergent Mind

Solution of planar elastic stress problems using stress basis functions

Published Apr 26, 2023 in math.NA and cs.NA


The use of global displacement basis functions to solve boundary-value problems in linear elasticity is well established. No prior work uses a global stress tensor basis for such solutions. We present two such methods for solving stress problems in linear elasticity. In both methods, we split the sought stress $\sigma$ into two parts, where neither part is required to satisfy strain compatibility. The first part, $\sigmap$, is any stress in equilibrium with the loading. The second part, $\sigmah$, is a self-equilibrated stress field on the unloaded body. In both methods, $\sigma_h$ is expanded using tensor-valued global stress basis functions developed elsewhere. In the first method, the coefficients in the expansion are found by minimizing the strain energy based on the well-known complementary energy principle. For the second method, which is restricted to planar homogeneous isotropic bodies, we show that we merely need to minimize the squared $L2$ norm of the trace of stress. For demonstration, we solve eight stress problems involving sharp corners, multiple-connectedness, non-zero net force and/or moment on an internal hole, body force, discontinuous surface traction, material inhomogeneity, and anisotropy. The first method presents a new application of a known principle. The second method presents a hitherto unreported principle, to the best of our knowledge.

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