Emergent Mind

Towards Generating Hop-constrained s-t Simple Path Graphs

Published Apr 25, 2023 in cs.DS


Graphs have been widely used in real-world applications, in which investigating relations between vertices is an important task. In this paper, we study the problem of generating the k-hop-constrained s-t simple path graph, i.e., the subgraph consisting of all simple paths from vertex s to vertex t of length no larger than k. To our best knowledge, we are the first to formalize this problem and prove its NP-hardness on directed graphs. To tackle this challenging problem, we propose an efficient algorithm named EVE, which exploits the paradigm of edge-wise examination rather than exhaustively enumerating all paths. Powered by essential vertices appearing in all simple paths between vertex pairs, EVE distinguishes the edges that are definitely (or not) contained in the desired simple path graph, producing a tight upper-bound graph in the time cost $\mathcal{O}(k2|E|)$. Each remaining undetermined edge is further verified to deliver the exact answer. Extensive experiments are conducted on 15 real networks. The results show that EVE significantly outperforms all baselines by several orders of magnitude. Moreover, by taking EVE as a built-in block, state-of-the-art for hop-constrained simple path enumeration can be accelerated by up to an order of magnitude.

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