Emergent Mind


Face forgery detection is essential in combating malicious digital face attacks. Previous methods mainly rely on prior expert knowledge to capture specific forgery clues, such as noise patterns, blending boundaries, and frequency artifacts. However, these methods tend to get trapped in local optima, resulting in limited robustness and generalization capability. To address these issues, we propose a novel Critical Forgery Mining (CFM) framework, which can be flexibly assembled with various backbones to boost their generalization and robustness performance. Specifically, we first build a fine-grained triplet and suppress specific forgery traces through prior knowledge-agnostic data augmentation. Subsequently, we propose a fine-grained relation learning prototype to mine critical information in forgeries through instance and local similarity-aware losses. Moreover, we design a novel progressive learning controller to guide the model to focus on principal feature components, enabling it to learn critical forgery features in a coarse-to-fine manner. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art forgery detection performance under various challenging evaluation settings.

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