Emergent Mind


While standard approaches to optimisation focus on producing a single high-performing solution, Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms allow large diverse collections of such solutions to be found. If QD has proven promising across a large variety of domains, it still struggles when faced with uncertain domains, where quantification of performance and diversity are non-deterministic. Previous work in Uncertain Quality-Diversity (UQD) has proposed methods and metrics designed for such uncertain domains. In this paper, we propose a first set of benchmark tasks to analyse and estimate the performance of UQD algorithms. We identify the key uncertainty properties to easily define UQD benchmark tasks: the uncertainty location, the type of distribution and its parameters. By varying the nature of those key UQD components, we introduce a set of 8 easy-to-implement and lightweight tasks, split into 3 main categories. All our tasks build on the Redundant Arm: a common QD environment that is lightweight and easily replicable. Each one of these tasks highlights one specific limitation that arises when considering UQD domains. With this first benchmark, we hope to facilitate later advances in UQD.

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