Emergent Mind


Transformers have shown promising progress in various visual object detection tasks, including monocular 2D/3D detection and surround-view 3D detection. More importantly, the attention mechanism in the Transformer model and the image correspondence in binocular stereo are both similarity-based. However, directly applying existing Transformer-based detectors to binocular stereo 3D object detection leads to slow convergence and significant precision drops. We argue that a key cause of this defect is that existing Transformers ignore the stereo-specific image correspondence information. In this paper, we explore the model design of Transformers in binocular 3D object detection, focusing particularly on extracting and encoding the task-specific image correspondence information. To achieve this goal, we present TS3D, a Transformer-based Stereo-aware 3D object detector. In the TS3D, a Disparity-Aware Positional Encoding (DAPE) module is proposed to embed the image correspondence information into stereo features. The correspondence is encoded as normalized sub-pixel-level disparity and is used in conjunction with sinusoidal 2D positional encoding to provide the 3D location information of the scene. To extract enriched multi-scale stereo features, we propose a Stereo Preserving Feature Pyramid Network (SPFPN). The SPFPN is designed to preserve the correspondence information while fusing intra-scale and aggregating cross-scale stereo features. Our proposed TS3D achieves a 41.29% Moderate Car detection average precision on the KITTI test set and takes 88 ms to detect objects from each binocular image pair. It is competitive with advanced counterparts in terms of both precision and inference speed.

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