Emergent Mind

Weight-based Mask for Domain Adaptation

Published Apr 22, 2023 in cs.CV


In computer vision, unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is an approach to transferring knowledge from a label-rich source domain to a fully-unlabeled target domain. Conventional UDA approaches have two problems. The first problem is that a class classifier can be biased to the source domain because it is trained using only source samples. The second is that previous approaches align image-level features regardless of foreground and background, although the classifier requires foreground features. To solve these problems, we introduce Weight-based Mask Network (WEMNet) composed of Domain Ignore Module (DIM) and Semantic Enhancement Module (SEM). DIM obtains domain-agnostic feature representations via the weight of the domain discriminator and predicts categories. In addition, SEM obtains class-related feature representations using the classifier weight and focuses on the foreground features for domain adaptation. Extensive experimental results reveal that the proposed WEMNet outperforms the competitive accuracy on representative UDA datasets.

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