Emergent Mind


The release of ChatGPT has drawn huge interests on foundations models. There is a broad consensus that foundations models will be the fundamental building blocks for future AI systems. However, there is a lack of systematic guidance on the architecture design. Particularly, the the rapidly growing capabilities of foundations models can eventually absorb other components of AI systems, posing challenges of moving boundary and interface evolution in architecture design. Furthermore, incorporating foundations models into AI systems raises significant concerns about responsible AI due to their opaque nature and rapidly advancing intelligence. To address these challenges, the paper first presents an architecture evolution of AI systems in the era of foundation models, transitioning from "foundation-model-as-a-connector" to "foundation-model-as-a-monolithic architecture". The paper then identifies key design decisions and proposes a pattern-oriented reference architecture for designing responsible foundation-model-based systems. The patterns can enable the potential of foundation models while minimising associated risks.

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