Emergent Mind

Boosting Semantic Segmentation with Semantic Boundaries

Published Apr 19, 2023 in cs.CV


In this paper, we present the Semantic Boundary Conditioned Backbone (SBCB) framework, a simple yet effective training framework that is model-agnostic and boosts segmentation performance, especially around the boundaries. Motivated by the recent development in improving semantic segmentation by incorporating boundaries as auxiliary tasks, we propose a multi-task framework that uses semantic boundary detection (SBD) as an auxiliary task. The SBCB framework utilizes the nature of the SBD task, which is complementary to semantic segmentation, to improve the backbone of the segmentation head. We apply an SBD head that exploits the multi-scale features from the backbone, where the model learns low-level features in the earlier stages, and high-level semantic understanding in the later stages. This head perfectly complements the common semantic segmentation architectures where the features from the later stages are used for classification. We can improve semantic segmentation models without additional parameters during inference by only conditioning the backbone. Through extensive evaluations, we show the effectiveness of the SBCB framework by improving various popular segmentation heads and backbones by 0.5% ~ 3.0% IoU on the Cityscapes dataset and gains 1.6% ~ 4.1% in boundary Fscores. We also apply this framework on customized backbones and the emerging vision transformer models and show the effectiveness of the SBCB framework.

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