Emergent Mind


Personalized news recommender systems help users quickly find content of their interests from the sea of information. Today, the mainstream technology for personalized news recommendation is based on deep neural networks that can accurately model the semantic match between news items and users' interests. In this paper, we present \textbf{PerCoNet}, a novel deep learning approach to personalized news recommendation which features two new findings: (i) representing users through \emph{explicit persona analysis} based on the prominent entities in their recent news reading history could be more effective than latent persona analysis employed by most existing work, with a side benefit of enhanced explainability; (ii) utilizing the title and abstract of each news item via cross-view \emph{contrastive learning} would work better than just combining them directly. Extensive experiments on two real-world news datasets clearly show the superior performance of our proposed approach in comparison with current state-of-the-art techniques.

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