Emergent Mind

Memory Efficient Diffusion Probabilistic Models via Patch-based Generation

Published Apr 14, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Diffusion probabilistic models have been successful in generating high-quality and diverse images. However, traditional models, whose input and output are high-resolution images, suffer from excessive memory requirements, making them less practical for edge devices. Previous approaches for generative adversarial networks proposed a patch-based method that uses positional encoding and global content information. Nevertheless, designing a patch-based approach for diffusion probabilistic models is non-trivial. In this paper, we resent a diffusion probabilistic model that generates images on a patch-by-patch basis. We propose two conditioning methods for a patch-based generation. First, we propose position-wise conditioning using one-hot representation to ensure patches are in proper positions. Second, we propose Global Content Conditioning (GCC) to ensure patches have coherent content when concatenated together. We evaluate our model qualitatively and quantitatively on CelebA and LSUN bedroom datasets and demonstrate a moderate trade-off between maximum memory consumption and generated image quality. Specifically, when an entire image is divided into 2 x 2 patches, our proposed approach can reduce the maximum memory consumption by half while maintaining comparable image quality.

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