Emergent Mind

Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields

Published Apr 13, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.GR , and cs.LG


Neural Radiance Field training can be accelerated through the use of grid-based representations in NeRF's learned mapping from spatial coordinates to colors and volumetric density. However, these grid-based approaches lack an explicit understanding of scale and therefore often introduce aliasing, usually in the form of jaggies or missing scene content. Anti-aliasing has previously been addressed by mip-NeRF 360, which reasons about sub-volumes along a cone rather than points along a ray, but this approach is not natively compatible with current grid-based techniques. We show how ideas from rendering and signal processing can be used to construct a technique that combines mip-NeRF 360 and grid-based models such as Instant NGP to yield error rates that are 8% - 77% lower than either prior technique, and that trains 24x faster than mip-NeRF 360.

Comparison of anti-aliased interlevel and Mip-NeRF 360 loss functions as NeRF samples are reduced.


  • The paper introduces Zip-NeRF, a system combining the computational efficiency of grid-based Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) with the anti-aliasing capabilities of mip-NeRF 360 to reduce artifacts and enhance image quality.

  • Zip-NeRF integrates multisampling techniques, prefiltering, and a novel anti-aliased interlevel loss function to balance computational efficiency and rendering precision, showing up to 24 times faster training and significant error reduction.

  • The framework demonstrates substantial performance improvements on the 360 dataset with a potential for applications in real-time 3D rendering, generative media, and high-fidelity image synthesis for AR/VR and robotics.

Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields

The paper "Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields" by Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall, Dor Verbin, Pratul P. Srinivasan, and Peter Hedman details the implementation of Zip-NeRF, a system bridging the structural efficiency of grid-based neural radiance fields (NeRFs) and the anti-aliasing refinement of conical frustum-based approaches. The research highlights notable advancements in reducing aliasing artifacts in neural radiance fields while maintaining or improving computational efficiency.

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have shown efficacy in producing highly detailed 3D reconstructions by mapping spatial coordinates to color and volumetric density using neural networks, notably for applications such as view synthesis, generative media, and robotics. Traditional NeRF frameworks, while powerful, face challenges with aliasing—manifested as image artifacts like "jaggies"—and computational inefficiencies due to their dependency on multilayer perceptrons (MLPs).

Recent enhancements, such as those in Instant NGP (iNGP), utilize grid-like data structures combined with MLPs to accelerate training significantly. However, these grid-based approaches have struggled with explicitly representing scale, leading to aliasing issues. Conversely, the mip-NeRF and mip-NeRF 360 frameworks address anti-aliasing by encoding positional information via conical frustums, albeit at a computational expense and incompatibility with grid-based models.

Contributions and Innovations

This paper introduces "Zip-NeRF," a methodology that melds the anti-aliased qualities of mip-NeRF 360 with the computational efficiencies of grid-based systems like iNGP. The core contributions are:

  1. Integration of Multisampling Techniques: By employing ideas from rendering and signal processing, Zip-NeRF establishes a prefiltered representation that mitigates aliasing. This is achieved through a novel multisampling method that samples sub-volumes of cones using hexagonal patterns, aligning their shapes with isotropic Gaussians. This method achieves close approximations to true integrals of grid features by appropriately weighting features based on their scale.
  2. Prefiltering and Downweighting Features: The system employs scale-dependent downweighting to reduce high-frequency artifacts in interpolated features. By considering each multisample's Gaussian distribution, the system precomputes weights to balance the feature contributions from various grid levels, effectively filtering spatial aliases.
  3. Novel Anti-Aliased Interlevel Loss Function: To combat $z$-aliasing during proposal network supervision, the paper suggests a new loss function that prefers smooth transitions in scene representation by resampling blurred step functions into a shared coordinate framework for both ground truth and proposal histograms.
  4. Power Transformation for Distance Normalization: They introduce a versatile power transformation for normalizing metric distances along rays, balancing the need for linear approximations near the origin with logarithmic or inverse functions for distant points. This ensures normalized distances support various scene scales effectively.

Results and Numerical Performance

The system was tested against the 360 dataset by mip-NeRF 360, showing substantial improvements. Zip-NeRF recorded an error reduction ranging from 8% to 77% across different scales and scales comparably higher when dealing with finer scales. In terms of computational efficiency, Zip-NeRF trains 24 times faster than mip-NeRF 360, marking a significant performance uplift with a balance of efficiency and accuracy:

  • PSNR Improvement: Up to 11% better than mip-NeRF 360.
  • Speed: Trains $24\times$ faster, making it more practical for large-scale deployments.

Implications and Future Directions

This research opens new avenues for combining grid-based efficiency with scale-aware precision in neural rendering fields. The hybrid approach exemplified by Zip-NeRF sets a precedent for addressing both computational and quality challenges, particularly in real-time 3D rendering and high-fidelity image synthesis. Future developments could explore:

  1. Generative Modeling: Extending Zip-NeRF capabilities in contexts involving generative media to improve photorealistic outputs.
  2. Scalability and Real-time Applications: Enhancing further to achieve real-time processing for immersive experiences in AR/VR applications or advanced robotics navigation.
  3. Training Data Variation: Assessing Zip-NeRF's performance across varied datasets and more complex scenes to ensure widespread applicability.


The Zip-NeRF framework represents a significant step in advancing neural radiance fields by effectively leveraging grid-based speeds and anti-aliasing techniques from mip-NeRF-like systems. This hybrid model paves the way for future innovations in neural rendering, emphasizing both practical computational efficiencies and high-quality rendering outputs. The intersection of downweighting features, multisampling, and novel loss functions establishes a future where neural radiance fields become integral to next-generation 3D graphics and machine vision applications.

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