Emergent Mind

Certified Zeroth-order Black-Box Defense with Robust UNet Denoiser

Published Apr 13, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Certified defense methods against adversarial perturbations have been recently investigated in the black-box setting with a zeroth-order (ZO) perspective. However, these methods suffer from high model variance with low performance on high-dimensional datasets due to the ineffective design of the denoiser and are limited in their utilization of ZO techniques. To this end, we propose a certified ZO preprocessing technique for removing adversarial perturbations from the attacked image in the black-box setting using only model queries. We propose a robust UNet denoiser (RDUNet) that ensures the robustness of black-box models trained on high-dimensional datasets. We propose a novel black-box denoised smoothing (DS) defense mechanism, ZO-RUDS, by prepending our RDUNet to the black-box model, ensuring black-box defense. We further propose ZO-AE-RUDS in which RDUNet followed by autoencoder (AE) is prepended to the black-box model. We perform extensive experiments on four classification datasets, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-10, Tiny Imagenet, STL-10, and the MNIST dataset for image reconstruction tasks. Our proposed defense methods ZO-RUDS and ZO-AE-RUDS beat SOTA with a huge margin of $35\%$ and $9\%$, for low dimensional (CIFAR-10) and with a margin of $20.61\%$ and $23.51\%$ for high-dimensional (STL-10) datasets, respectively.

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