Emergent Mind

How to Sign Quantum Messages

Published Apr 13, 2023 in quant-ph and cs.CR


Signing quantum messages has long been considered impossible even under computational assumptions. In this work, we challenge this notion and provide three innovative approaches to sign quantum messages that are the first to ensure authenticity with public verifiability. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: 1) We introduce the concept of time-dependent (TD) signatures, where the signature of a quantum message depends on the time of signing and the verification process depends on the time of the signature reception. We construct this primitive assuming the existence of post-quantum secure one-way functions (pq-OWFs) and time-lock puzzles (TLPs). 2) By utilizing verification keys that evolve over time, we eliminate the need for TLPs in our construction. This leads to TD signatures from pq-OWFs with dynamic verification keys. 3) We then consider the bounded quantum storage model, where adversaries are limited with respect to their quantum memories. We show that quantum messages can be signed with information-theoretic security in this model. Moreover, we leverage TD signatures to achieve the following objectives, relying solely on pq-OWFs: (a) We design a public key encryption scheme featuring authenticated quantum public keys that resist adversarial tampering. (b) We present a novel TD public-key quantum money scheme.

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