Emergent Mind

[CLS] Token is All You Need for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Published Apr 13, 2023 in cs.CV


In this paper, we propose an embarrassingly simple yet highly effective zero-shot semantic segmentation (ZS3) method, based on the pre-trained vision-language model CLIP. First, our study provides a couple of key discoveries: (i) the global tokens (a.k.a [CLS] tokens in Transformer) of the text branch in CLIP provide a powerful representation of semantic information and (ii) these text-side [CLS] tokens can be regarded as category priors to guide CLIP visual encoder pay more attention on the corresponding region of interest. Based on that, we build upon the CLIP model as a backbone which we extend with a One-Way [CLS] token navigation from text to the visual branch that enables zero-shot dense prediction, dubbed \textbf{ClsCLIP}. Specifically, we use the [CLS] token output from the text branch, as an auxiliary semantic prompt, to replace the [CLS] token in shallow layers of the ViT-based visual encoder. This one-way navigation embeds such global category prior earlier and thus promotes semantic segmentation. Furthermore, to better segment tiny objects in ZS3, we further enhance ClsCLIP with a local zoom-in strategy, which employs a region proposal pre-processing and we get ClsCLIP+. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed ZS3 method achieves a SOTA performance, and it is even comparable with those few-shot semantic segmentation methods.

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