Emergent Mind


In the LOCAL model, low-diameter decomposition is a useful tool in designing algorithms, as it allows us to shift from the general graph setting to the low-diameter graph setting, where brute-force information gathering can be done efficiently. Recently, Chang and Su [PODC 2022] showed that any high-conductance network excluding a fixed minor contains a high-degree vertex, so the entire graph topology can be gathered to one vertex efficiently in the CONGEST model using expander routing. Therefore, in networks excluding a fixed minor, many problems that can be solved efficiently in LOCAL via low-diameter decomposition can also be solved efficiently in CONGEST via expander decomposition. In this work, we show improved decomposition and routing algorithms for networks excluding a fixed minor in the CONGEST model. Our algorithms cost $\text{poly}(\log n, 1/\epsilon)$ rounds deterministically. For bounded-degree graphs, our algorithms finish in $O(\epsilon{-1}\log n) + \epsilon{-O(1)}$ rounds. Our algorithms have a wide range of applications, including the following results in CONGEST. 1. A $(1-\epsilon)$-approximate maximum independent set in a network excluding a fixed minor can be computed deterministically in $O(\epsilon{-1}\log\ast n) + \epsilon{-O(1)}$ rounds, nearly matching the $\Omega(\epsilon{-1}\log\ast n)$ lower bound of Lenzen and Wattenhofer [DISC 2008]. 2. Property testing of any additive minor-closed property can be done deterministically in $O(\log n)$ rounds if $\epsilon$ is a constant or $O(\epsilon{-1}\log n) + \epsilon{-O(1)}$ rounds if the maximum degree $\Delta$ is a constant, nearly matching the $\Omega(\epsilon{-1}\log n)$ lower bound of Levi, Medina, and Ron [PODC 2018].

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