Emergent Mind

BerDiff: Conditional Bernoulli Diffusion Model for Medical Image Segmentation

Published Apr 10, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Medical image segmentation is a challenging task with inherent ambiguity and high uncertainty, attributed to factors such as unclear tumor boundaries and multiple plausible annotations. The accuracy and diversity of segmentation masks are both crucial for providing valuable references to radiologists in clinical practice. While existing diffusion models have shown strong capacities in various visual generation tasks, it is still challenging to deal with discrete masks in segmentation. To achieve accurate and diverse medical image segmentation masks, we propose a novel conditional Bernoulli Diffusion model for medical image segmentation (BerDiff). Instead of using the Gaussian noise, we first propose to use the Bernoulli noise as the diffusion kernel to enhance the capacity of the diffusion model for binary segmentation tasks, resulting in more accurate segmentation masks. Second, by leveraging the stochastic nature of the diffusion model, our BerDiff randomly samples the initial Bernoulli noise and intermediate latent variables multiple times to produce a range of diverse segmentation masks, which can highlight salient regions of interest that can serve as valuable references for radiologists. In addition, our BerDiff can efficiently sample sub-sequences from the overall trajectory of the reverse diffusion, thereby speeding up the segmentation process. Extensive experimental results on two medical image segmentation datasets with different modalities demonstrate that our BerDiff outperforms other recently published state-of-the-art methods. Our results suggest diffusion models could serve as a strong backbone for medical image segmentation.

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