Emergent Mind


The aim of this study is to develop and apply an autonomous approach for predicting the probability of hydrocarbon reservoirs spreading in the studied area. The methodology uses machine learning algorithms in the problem of binary classification, which restore the probability function of the space element belonging to the classes identified by the results of interpretation of well logging. Attributes of seismic wavefield are used as predictors. The study includes the following sequence of actions: creation of data sets for training, selection of features, reverse-calibration of data, creation of a population of classification models, evaluation of classification quality, evaluation of the contribution of features in the prediction, ensembling the population of models by stacking method. As a result, a prediction was made - a three-dimensional cube of calibrated probabilities of belonging of the studied space to the class of reservoir and its derivative in the form of the map of reservoir thicknesses of the Achimov complex of deposits was obtained. Assessment of changes in the quality of the forecast depending on the use of different data sets was carried out. Conclusion. The reverse-calibration method proposed in this work uses the uncertainty of geophysical data as a hyperparameter of the global tuning of the technological stack, within the given limits of the a priori error of these data. It is shown that the method improves the quality of the forecast. The technological stack of machine learning algorithms used in this work allows expert-independent generalization of geological and geophysical data, and use this generalization to test hypotheses and create geological models based on a probabilistic view of the reservoir.

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