Emergent Mind

Synthetic Hard Negative Samples for Contrastive Learning

Published Apr 6, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Contrastive learning has emerged as an essential approach for self-supervised learning in visual representation learning. The central objective of contrastive learning is to maximize the similarities between two augmented versions of an image (positive pairs), while minimizing the similarities between different images (negative pairs). Recent studies have demonstrated that harder negative samples, i.e., those that are more difficult to differentiate from the anchor sample, perform a more crucial function in contrastive learning. This paper proposes a novel feature-level method, namely sampling synthetic hard negative samples for contrastive learning (SSCL), to exploit harder negative samples more effectively. Specifically, 1) we generate more and harder negative samples by mixing negative samples, and then sample them by controlling the contrast of anchor sample with the other negative samples; 2) considering the possibility of false negative samples, we further debias the negative samples. Our proposed method improves the classification performance on different image datasets and can be readily integrated into existing methods.

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