Emergent Mind

Tight Correlation Bounds for Circuits Between AC0 and TC0

Published Apr 5, 2023 in cs.CC


We initiate the study of generalized AC0 circuits comprised of negations and arbitrary unbounded fan-in gates that only need to be constant over inputs of Hamming weight $\ge k$, which we denote GC0$(k)$. The gate set of this class includes biased LTFs like the $k$-$OR$ (output $1$ iff $\ge k$ bits are 1) and $k$-$AND$ (output $0$ iff $\ge k$ bits are 0), and thus can be seen as an interpolation between AC0 and TC0. We establish a tight multi-switching lemma for GC0$(k)$ circuits, which bounds the probability that several depth-2 GC0$(k)$ circuits do not simultaneously simplify under a random restriction. We also establish a new depth reduction lemma such that coupled with our multi-switching lemma, we can show many results obtained from the multi-switching lemma for depth-$d$ size-$s$ AC0 circuits lifts to depth-$d$ size-$s{.99}$ GC0$(.01\log s)$ circuits with no loss in parameters (other than hidden constants). Our result has the following applications: 1.Size-$2{\Omega(n{1/d})}$ depth-$d$ GC0$(\Omega(n{1/d}))$ circuits do not correlate with parity (extending a result of H{\aa}stad (SICOMP, 2014)). 2. Size-$n{\Omega(\log n)}$ GC0$(\Omega(\log2 n))$ circuits with $n{.249}$ arbitrary threshold gates or $n{.499}$ arbitrary symmetric gates exhibit exponentially small correlation against an explicit function (extending a result of Tan and Servedio (RANDOM, 2019)). 3. There is a seed length $O((\log m){d-1}\log(m/\varepsilon)\log\log(m))$ pseudorandom generator against size-$m$ depth-$d$ GC0$(\log m)$ circuits, matching the AC0 lower bound of H{\aa}stad stad up to a $\log\log m$ factor (extending a result of Lyu (CCC, 2022)). 4. Size-$m$ GC0$(\log m)$ circuits have exponentially small Fourier tails (extending a result of Tal (CCC, 2017)).

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