Emergent Mind


Face swapping aims to generate swapped images that fuse the identity of source faces and the attributes of target faces. Most existing works address this challenging task through 3D modelling or generation using generative adversarial networks (GANs), but 3D modelling suffers from limited reconstruction accuracy and GANs often struggle in preserving subtle yet important identity details of source faces (e.g., skin colors, face features) and structural attributes of target faces (e.g., face shapes, facial expressions). This paper presents Face Transformer, a novel face swapping network that can accurately preserve source identities and target attributes simultaneously in the swapped face images. We introduce a transformer network for the face swapping task, which learns high-quality semantic-aware correspondence between source and target faces and maps identity features of source faces to the corresponding region in target faces. The high-quality semantic-aware correspondence enables smooth and accurate transfer of source identity information with minimal modification of target shapes and expressions. In addition, our Face Transformer incorporates a multi-scale transformation mechanism for preserving the rich fine facial details. Extensive experiments show that our Face Transformer achieves superior face swapping performance qualitatively and quantitatively.

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