Emergent Mind

Risk-Aware Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Published Apr 4, 2023 in cs.AI , cs.MA , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Autonomous cyber and cyber-physical systems need to perform decision-making, learning, and control in unknown environments. Such decision-making can be sensitive to multiple factors, including modeling errors, changes in costs, and impacts of events in the tails of probability distributions. Although multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) provides a framework for learning behaviors through repeated interactions with the environment by minimizing an average cost, it will not be adequate to overcome the above challenges. In this paper, we develop a distributed MARL approach to solve decision-making problems in unknown environments by learning risk-aware actions. We use the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) to characterize the cost function that is being minimized, and define a Bellman operator to characterize the value function associated to a given state-action pair. We prove that this operator satisfies a contraction property, and that it converges to the optimal value function. We then propose a distributed MARL algorithm called the CVaR QD-Learning algorithm, and establish that value functions of individual agents reaches consensus. We identify several challenges that arise in the implementation of the CVaR QD-Learning algorithm, and present solutions to overcome these. We evaluate the CVaR QD-Learning algorithm through simulations, and demonstrate the effect of a risk parameter on value functions at consensus.

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