Emergent Mind


This work studies non-cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) where multiple agents interact in the same environment and whose goal is to maximize the individual returns. Challenges arise when scaling up the number of agents due to the resultant non-stationarity that the many agents introduce. In order to address this issue, Mean Field Games (MFG) rely on the symmetry and homogeneity assumptions to approximate games with very large populations. Recently, deep Reinforcement Learning has been used to scale MFG to games with larger number of states. Current methods rely on smoothing techniques such as averaging the q-values or the updates on the mean-field distribution. This work presents a different approach to stabilize the learning based on proximal updates on the mean-field policy. We name our algorithm Mean Field Proximal Policy Optimization (MF-PPO), and we empirically show the effectiveness of our method in the OpenSpiel framework.

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