Emergent Mind

Blockwise Compression of Transformer-based Models without Retraining

Published Apr 4, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Transformer-based models, exemplified by GPT-3, ChatGPT, and GPT-4, have recently garnered considerable attention in both academia and industry due to their promising performance in general language tasks. Nevertheless, these models typically involve computationally encoding processes, and in some cases, decoding processes as well, both of which are fundamentally large-scale matrix multiplication. These operations bring the inevitable challenges of massive computation resources and huge memory footprint, usually requiring at least 1023 FLOPs and hundreds of gigabytes, respectively. A common method to address this issue is to reduce the computational and memory requirements by applying layerwise quantization to the transformer, replacing the usual fp32 data type with a low-bit equivalent. Unfortunately, this method often leads to decreased model accuracy and necessitates time-consuming retraining. Such retraining not only requires fine-tuning skills but also substantial computational resources, posing challenges for users. To specifically tackle these issues, we propose BCT, a framework of blockwise compression for transformers without retraining, aiming to facilitate model deployment. Unlike layerwise compression methods, BCT achieves finer compression of the entire transformer by operating blockwise. This method mitigates data distribution deviation caused by quantization, eliminating the requirement for retraining. BCT effectively compresses all components of the model, including but not limited to the embedding, matrix multiplication, GELU, Softmax, layer normalization, and intermediate results. In a case study, an efficient model is compressed by BCT achieving up to 7.988x compression. Subsequently, we also evaluate it on several General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) datasets.

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