Emergent Mind

Can the Inference Logic of Large Language Models be Disentangled into Symbolic Concepts?

Published Apr 3, 2023 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.CV , and cs.LG


In this paper, we explain the inference logic of LLMs as a set of symbolic concepts. Many recent studies have discovered that traditional DNNs usually encode sparse symbolic concepts. However, because an LLM has much more parameters than traditional DNNs, whether the LLM also encodes sparse symbolic concepts is still an open problem. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to disentangle the inference score of LLMs for dialogue tasks into a small number of symbolic concepts. We verify that we can use those sparse concepts to well estimate all inference scores of the LLM on all arbitrarily masking states of the input sentence. We also evaluate the transferability of concepts encoded by an LLM and verify that symbolic concepts usually exhibit high transferability across similar input sentences. More crucially, those symbolic concepts can be used to explain the exact reasons accountable for the LLM's prediction errors.

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