Emergent Mind


This paper introduces a uniform substitution calculus for $\mathsf{dL}\text{CHP}$, the dynamic logic of communicating hybrid programs. Uniform substitution enables parsimonious prover kernels by using axioms instead of axiom schemata. Instantiations can be recovered from a single proof rule responsible for soundness-critical instantiation checks rather than being spread across axiom schemata in side conditions. Even though communication and parallelism reasoning are notorious for necessitating subtle soundness-critical side conditions, uniform substitution when generalized to $\mathsf{dL}\text{CHP}$ manages to limit and isolate their conceptual overhead. Since uniform substitution has proven to simplify the implementation of hybrid systems provers substantially, uniform substitution for $\mathsf{dL}_\text{CHP}$ paves the way for a parsimonious implementation of theorem provers for hybrid systems with communication and parallelism.

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