Emergent Mind

Are Neural Architecture Search Benchmarks Well Designed? A Deeper Look Into Operation Importance

Published Mar 29, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Neural Architecture Search (NAS) benchmarks significantly improved the capability of developing and comparing NAS methods while at the same time drastically reduced the computational overhead by providing meta-information about thousands of trained neural networks. However, tabular benchmarks have several drawbacks that can hinder fair comparisons and provide unreliable results. These usually focus on providing a small pool of operations in heavily constrained search spaces -- usually cell-based neural networks with pre-defined outer-skeletons. In this work, we conducted an empirical analysis of the widely used NAS-Bench-101, NAS-Bench-201 and TransNAS-Bench-101 benchmarks in terms of their generability and how different operations influence the performance of the generated architectures. We found that only a subset of the operation pool is required to generate architectures close to the upper-bound of the performance range. Also, the performance distribution is negatively skewed, having a higher density of architectures in the upper-bound range. We consistently found convolution layers to have the highest impact on the architecture's performance, and that specific combination of operations favors top-scoring architectures. These findings shed insights on the correct evaluation and comparison of NAS methods using NAS benchmarks, showing that directly searching on NAS-Bench-201, ImageNet16-120 and TransNAS-Bench-101 produces more reliable results than searching only on CIFAR-10. Furthermore, with this work we provide suggestions for future benchmark evaluations and design. The code used to conduct the evaluations is available at https://github.com/VascoLopes/NAS-Benchmark-Evaluation.

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