Emergent Mind


This paper concerns a class of DC composite optimization problems which, as an extension of convex composite optimization problems and DC programs with nonsmooth components, often arises in robust factorization models of low-rank matrix recovery. For this class of nonconvex and nonsmooth problems, we propose an inexact linearized proximal algorithm (iLPA) by computing in each step an inexact minimizer of a strongly convex majorization constructed with a partial linearization of their objective functions at the current iterate, and establish the convergence of the generated iterate sequence under the Kurdyka-\L\"ojasiewicz (KL) property of a potential function. In particular, by leveraging the composite structure, we provide a verifiable condition for the potential function to have the KL property of exponent $1/2$ at the limit point, so for the iterate sequence to have a local R-linear convergence rate. Finally, we apply the proposed iLPA to a robust factorization model for matrix completions with outliers and non-uniform sampling, and numerical comparison with the Polyak subgradient method confirms its superiority in terms of computing time and quality of solutions.

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