Emergent Mind

ytopt: Autotuning Scientific Applications for Energy Efficiency at Large Scales

Published Mar 28, 2023 in cs.DC , cs.LG , and cs.PF


As we enter the exascale computing era, efficiently utilizing power and optimizing the performance of scientific applications under power and energy constraints has become critical and challenging. We propose a low-overhead autotuning framework to autotune performance and energy for various hybrid MPI/OpenMP scientific applications at large scales and to explore the tradeoffs between application runtime and power/energy for energy efficient application execution, then use this framework to autotune four ECP proxy applications -- XSBench, AMG, SWFFT, and SW4lite. Our approach uses Bayesian optimization with a Random Forest surrogate model to effectively search parameter spaces with up to 6 million different configurations on two large-scale production systems, Theta at Argonne National Laboratory and Summit at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The experimental results show that our autotuning framework at large scales has low overhead and achieves good scalability. Using the proposed autotuning framework to identify the best configurations, we achieve up to 91.59% performance improvement, up to 21.2% energy savings, and up to 37.84% EDP improvement on up to 4,096 nodes.

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