Emergent Mind

RobustSwap: A Simple yet Robust Face Swapping Model against Attribute Leakage

Published Mar 28, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Face swapping aims at injecting a source image's identity (i.e., facial features) into a target image, while strictly preserving the target's attributes, which are irrelevant to identity. However, we observed that previous approaches still suffer from source attribute leakage, where the source image's attributes interfere with the target image's. In this paper, we analyze the latent space of StyleGAN and find the adequate combination of the latents geared for face swapping task. Based on the findings, we develop a simple yet robust face swapping model, RobustSwap, which is resistant to the potential source attribute leakage. Moreover, we exploit the coordination of 3DMM's implicit and explicit information as a guidance to incorporate the structure of the source image and the precise pose of the target image. Despite our method solely utilizing an image dataset without identity labels for training, our model has the capability to generate high-fidelity and temporally consistent videos. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations, we demonstrate that our method shows significant improvements compared with the previous face swapping models in synthesizing both images and videos. Project page is available at https://robustswap.github.io/

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